BANANO is now included on Coinpaprika
Banano information and updates are now included on (source).

News & How-To's about the cryptocurrency $BANANO
Banano information and updates are now included on (source).
BANANO’s mobile wallet Kalium was released on iOS/for iPhone today!
All details and giveaway/release party here at Medium:
“Meet Kalium — BANANO’s mobile wallet — now also on iOS!” by Banano
Happy Valentine’s day everyone! And for those who are lonesome: There’s a Karaoke event with Banano prize pool today, running at the Banano Discord server. More information here.
The creation of this Banano graffiti was apparently sponsored by ChocolateFudCake #hng (source).
Here’s a new medium article: “Banano: Free & Fair Crypto Distribution Through Faucet Games”
More information here at reddit, the faucet will only be open for 24-48 hours this time, so start playing if you want to participate 😉
Here’s an update on medium including some new Banano social media groups and channels. Join and follow all channels to support Banano and not miss any giveaways! Link to article.
Migration of BananoVault (BANANO’s great web wallet) to the new server is complete, and is now also using the .cc domain extension. More details as on image below (source).
This is already the second round and still in a test phase, but it’s another valid $BANANO faucet game option, and a pretty nice one! 500k Banano will be distributed in this round (source).
The faucet game MonKey Match will have another $BANANO distribution round (500k Banano) starting on March 2nd (source: discord).
In case you missed it: @BeardlessDuck is running a Valentine’s Day Emoji Contest at our discord server, see details crossposted here at the Banano subReddit.
$BANANO Meme Faucet Round 7 is closed. Rewards will be sent soon, and the faucet will be reopened (source).
Here’s a sneak peek of the next Banano faucet game (source).
Banano updates are now also available as “Delta Direct” directly in the crypto portfolio app Delta (source).
Direct Faucet Link:
More detail here, just make sure the Blockfolio team sees what an active community we are. This would enable everyone to get news and updates about Banano directly in the Blockfolio app.
Meme Faucet payments for Round 6 have been sent. Faucet will reopen soon.