The time is ripe again: Earn Free BANANO by Playing the Faucet Game ‘Black Monkey’ . This is already round 38 of BANANO’s popular faucet game. How much can you get?
The Weekly Peel 5 is out! The Weekly Peel is a regular series covering BANANO Community Updates. Get the inside scoop on Jungle-to-Jungle news — Stay up to date on contest and event information — Enjoy juicy satirical “gossip”, and passionate opinions — Share tips, stories, and memes — Earn $BAN by submitting articles, illustrations, and participating in the regular games and puzzles!
The educational BANANO video series ‘BANANO Bites’ now covered BANANO’s Privacy Layer: Camo BANANO. Also, see the new CAMO BANANO Light Wallet in action!
Just released: BANANO now has a desktop wallet that makes much easier use of BANANO’s Privacy Layer – CAMO BANANO! Try it out!
Privacy is a highly relevant topic for cryptocurrencies these days. There are situations where neither companies nor individuals want all of their information being publicly visible on a blockchain, in a way that it can be read without any restrictions by governments, family members, friends, or business competitors. There’s currently a lot of experimentation about privacy features going on in the cryptocurrency world, and BANANO doesn’t only offer near instant and feeless transactions, but also is developing CAMO BANANO asprivacy layer! After releasing CAMO BANANO Phase 1 before (announcement), we now release the CAMO BANANO Light Wallet which makes private potassium-rich transactions much easier!
The second Weekly Peel is out! Catch up with what happened in the always-active, always-supportive, always-welcoming and always-creative BANANO Community! Here’s the Update at Publish0x.
BANANO has something for everyone, and with free distribution, $BAN can get into your wallet fast, feelessly, and with loads of fun. Here’s what BANANO comes up with this time: The BANANO Writers Contest!
A team of BANANO community members has recently created ‘The Daily Peel’: a bantastic, interactive website full of puzzles, games, events, opinions, interviews, insider info on the Jungles of BANANO, and more! Now, you’ll also get concise weekly updates from the BANANO Community at Publish0x – check it out here: Welcome to the Weekly Peel #1