Tag: coinex

BANANO is now on CoinEx Exchange (2 Million BAN Airdrop)

Today, BANANO has been listed at CoinEx Exchange with USDT and BTC pairs, which is BANANO’s biggest exchange listing so far! This includes a 2 Million BAN listing campaign, details here:
BANANO Announcement
CoinEx Announcement

Direct link to exchange: Coinex
All BANANO exchanges (overview with trading pairs): exchange.banano.how

NOTE: Please be mindful and cautious when using exchanges. This announcement does not mean BANANO is endorsing the use of this exchange. Never leave funds on exchanges unless you’re trading.

Breaking News: BANANO to be listed on Coinex Exchange!

Teasered today: BANANO will shortly be listed at CoinEx Exchange, which will be BANANO’s biggest exchange listing so far. Coinex offers buying crypto with fiat through third party providers. Hopefully this listing on the mid-tier exchange CoinEx will further increase BANANO’s liquidity.

Blog Post: Publish0x Announcement

Direct link to exchange: Coinex
All BANANO exchanges (overview with trading pairs): exchange.banano.how

NOTE: Please be mindful and cautious when using exchanges. This announcement does not mean BANANO is endorsing the use of this exchange. Never leave funds on exchanges unless you’re trading.

All Current BANANO Exchanges – An Updated Overview

BANANO is listed on several exchanges (both centralized and decentralized). Here’s a short overview of all current exchanges with trading pairs you can use to buy or sell $BANANO, and some How-To’s linked for those among us who are not that experienced with cryptocurrency trading yet.

This post will be kept updated over time. Last update: Dec 02, 2024

Important: Never leave funds on exchanges if you’re not trading! Not your keys, not your coins!

Decentralized BANANO exchanges

Wrapped BANANO (wBAN) is available on Etherum Mainnet and also on Polygon, Binance Smart Chain (BNB), Arbitrum and Fantom networks. More details about wBAN here.

Quick links to defillama.com swap (Meta dex aggregator):
ETH Mainnet | Arbitrum | Fantom | Polygon | BNB chain

Not a DEX but BANANO mainnet swaps enabled:

Centralized BANANO exchanges
(Exchanges are roughly sorted by liquidity – highest first)

Other Centralized BANANO exchanges (currently not recommended due to issues or very low liquidity):

Market overview also at coingecko.com and coinmarketcap.com.

If you want to buy BANANO but don’t own any cryptocurrency yet, you can also buy BTC, ETH or NANO with EUR/USD or your local currency on one of the following exchanges and send it to then to one of the exchanges listed above to buy BANANO.

Former BANANO exchanges:
Bitmesh.com (decided to delist most altcoins)
QBTC.ink (status unclear)
Altilly.com (was hacked)
Atomars.com (discontinued)
Citex.co.kr (status unclear)
GJ.com (status unclear)
Qtrade.io (trading pair: BTC)
Hotbit.io (closed down mid 2023)
Unnamed.exchange (out of business 2023)
Txbit.io (out of business 2023)
Hoo.com (out of business 2024)
Mercatox.com (out of business December 2024)

This website contains referral links. Any earnings from referral links will be exclusively used to maintain and promote this website, and any overhead will be rained/tipped to the community (more details here).

Vote for Banano at CoinFalcon!

Banano now also has been submitted for voting at CoinFalcon, another exchange.

If you are not yet registered at CoinFalcon, you can do that here.

Vote for Banano here.

At this exchange, voting is free. You further can vote at Coinex and get a 1000 Banano reward for this, more information here.

Stay tuned, more content coming soon! Meanwhile, make sure you follow us at Twitter for updates!


How to Vote for Banano Listing at CoinEx Exchange – with step-by-step screenshots!

Help to get Banano listed at CoinEx, a top 10 cryptocurrency exchange by volume! You’ll get a Banano reward if you vote successfully!

UPDATED information on HOW TO VOTE:

Step 1: If you don’t have an account yet, create one here. This takes few minutes and does not cost you anything.

Step 2: Verify your identity. Enter your name and prove that it’s you by scanning your passport/id, along with a photo of you holding the document. Just follow the instructions! Verification takes anywhere between 30 minutes and 1-2 days, just wait for the confirmation and stick to their rules. HELP FOR SPANISH-SPEAKING USERS who have problems with getting verified here in this instructional video.

Step 3: Vote for Banano – updated information:

The vote itself costs 1 CET (CoinEx token). However, you need to have 1,000 CET in your account in order to vote. CET is the exchange token from CoinEx, you can buy and sell it there. While holding it, you will receive daily dividends and regular airdrops.

Option 1: You buy 1,000 CET, vote and then you either keep it and accumulate dividends or sell the CET again. The current value of 1,000 CET is about 50 USD.

Option 2: If you have a good friend that you fully trust, you can transfer the 1,000 CET from one account to another (go to CET – withdraw – inter-account transfer – use email address to transfer) and both vote. You can do that as often as you like, these transfers are feeless.

Step 4: Once you have 1,000 CET, log in and click on “Vote” on the top of the screen:

Step 5: Type “Banano” in the search field:

Step 6: Click on “Vote“:


Step 7: Confirm voting

Step 8: You are done and have voted! Great! Thank you!

Now go and tell your friends and family how to do that! The direct link to this how-to-vote is http://vote.banano.how

How to get your 1,000 Banano reward (will be reduced to 700 Banano after reaching 700 votes, to 500 Banano after reaching 1000 votes, and will be only paid for the first 1100 votes):

UPDATE: After voting, you just go to http://coinex.banano.how and upload a screenshot showing that you voted and that shows the email/CoinEx ID at the top right of the screen.

In case of any questions message me privately at the discord (@bantano).

You can also ask @Team Junglo VilettaNu 🇨🇦#1819 in case of any questions.

Everyone who has voted will get paid within a couple of days – please be patient! Processing this is done carefully and will take some days. Thank you for your support!

Stay tuned, more content coming soon! Meanwhile, make sure you follow us at Twitter for updates!

Vote for Banano Listing at CoinEx Exchange!

You can currently vote for Banano to be considered for listing at the exchange CoinEx. A user from the community has submitted an informal request for this competition.

Short how-to:
EDIT: Detailed, updated how-to here: http://vote.banano.how – better continue reading there!

  1. If you don’t have an account yet, create one here.
  2. Verify your identity, otherwise you won’t be able to vote.
  3. After this, go here and vote for Banano. You can vote once a week.

CoinEx is a rather new exchange that has quickly gathered high volume. Banano’s brother NANO is already listed there, and many trading pairs are BCH-based.

It currently is unclear if the Banano devs are supporting or endorsing the voting, and there is no guarantee that Banano would be listed after getting 500+ votes, but in any case it surely is a good sign if Banano gets lots of votes. Thus, please consider voting!

Stay tuned, more content coming soon! Meanwhile make sure you follow us at Twitter for updates!