Welcome to the fourth general update about Banano. Come back regularly to not miss new BANANO developments!
When Banano Runner and payment?
The fourth runner event happened on July 4/5 (24 hours) with an improved new Banano Runner version 4.2. Great job @mitchellcairns! The payments for this are still outstanding since thedevs carefully check for bots, but no worries, everyone will receive their payments as usual. It still appears unclear if there will be regular schedule for the Banano Runner faucet game in the future, and if payments will be 1:1 or not.

Monkey Match – another official Banano Faucet game
Coranos has further optimized Monkey Match, and on July 5/6 there was another round for this official Banano Faucet game where you could get free Banano. There surely will be more in the near future, so keep your eyes open.
General comment on faucet games since I saw some people complain: Keep in mind that these faucet games in general must cost you time and don’t make you rich overnight. Still surely a much nicer way to distribute a cryptocurrency for free when compared to basically all other faucets or airdrops. So these games are not primarily made for you to have lots of fun, but to ensure a fair and equal distribution. People in Venezuela or other poor countries will earn enough to make their living with these games, while for most others it is not profitable to play these games. If you like your time more than those games, consider rather buying some Banano directly. 😉

Bananobet.com is now online – with a daily faucet!
The website bananobet.com is online since yesterday. Check it out, it is a Banano-based betting website with a faucet giving you 25 Banano daily for free. Full article here.
How To Buy Banano and the current price
Banano has not been listed at a bigger exchange yet, mainly because it is not that distributed that much. That means there will be faucet games and giveaways to fix this in the intermediate run, as it was announced regularly. However, you can buy Banano for Nano at the discord, but prices have recently gone up quite a bit. Current prize is 2661.66 BAN : 1 NANO.
@ironbfly has posted a nice summary of how to buy Banano through the discord escrow bot at #jungle-bazaar. Check it out if you have any questions.
Otherwise Banano was recently also listed on the small South American Exchange troca.ninja and has a BTC and a TNJ trading pair. I tested it with a small amount and withdrew successfully. However, be careful 😉

The Banano volume at the discord recently also has seen some peaks, with more than 2000 Nano volume in 24 hours a few days ago. Thanks @beardless duck for the screenshot:

Banano Minecraft Server online!
@Ryo Akio created a banano minecraft server and added a Banano tipbot to it. Check it out if you like, it is quite fun. See all the action on the server with a dynamic live map shown at http://banano.cash.
Instructions to getting started: Start Minecraft (multiplayer, server IP: banano.cash). When you first enter, you will set a password for your in-game Banano wallet. Open the chatbox with t
and type /register
followed by your wallet password twice (in one line). Every time you join the server, you’ll have to /login
with your password then. Type /balance
to see your address and balance/pay player amount to pay another player/withdraw address amount to withdraw Banano. If you are using an offline client (not premium account) don’t use a premium nickname. If you use a premium nickname you will see a error when you try to join the server. There also is a channel at the discord, #minecraft, which is synced with the in-game chat. You also can ask questions there.
Some great in-game Banano art by @joinity:

Banano Talent Contest
There is a Banano Talent Contest going on, organized by Coranos. See more details below and here.

FIFA World Cup betting game – BananoCup!
The World Cup and the BananoCup WINNER betting game will finally come to an end tomorrow! Everyone could tip the FIFA World Cup winning team and win lots of Banano! More information and all rules and detailed tipstats of the game can still be found here on this website. Winnings will be paid out tomorrow after the game. The final pot was 17856 Banano! @BroDyaGa#4061 will be the overall winner and get 40% of the pot if Croatia wins, @Pedro Perez#6524 if France wins. Good luck both! All others who have tipped correctly will share 60% of the pot.

Some statistics
r/bananocoin now has 2252 subscribers, the discord has 10852 members, @bananocoin has 2114 followers and the Banano Republic telegram group has 169 members. Banano is currently at block 1,758,883.
Feedback from you!?
If you think any event, link, thought or whatsoever other bantastic thing should be included in Banano Recap #5 please just comment below or message me at the discord. Same when you have other comments or thoughts about this recap!
Previous Bantastic Banano Recaps:
HowToBanano’s Bantastic Banano Recap #1
HowToBanano’s Bantastic Banano Recap #2
HowToBanano’s Bantastic Banano Recap #3
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